It’s all about Jesus.

It’s true.

It’s ALL about Jesus. In a culture where everything is about ‘self’, God calls us to focus our gaze on what truly matters: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:2). “He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power” (Heb. 1:3). He not only has the power to transform our lives, He Himself is life (John 14:6)! Come join us as we get our eyes off of ourselves and onto Christ. Come embrace Him as Savior, Treasure and Lord.

To Get You Started

  • Friendly, authentic community

    Family-style service (all ages together during worship and the message)

    Expository Bible Teaching (meaning we typically work through a passage of scripture as the theme of our sermons).

    Outdoor, come-as-you-are atmosphere

    Plenty of post-church hangouts, either at the beach or sharing lunch picnic style at the church (bring your own food).

  • In order to get the most out of our sermons, bring a Bible (or download the Bible app on your device). We typically use the English Standard Version (ESV) or the New Living Translation (NLT).

    We also encourage you to bring something for note taking. Parents: this is especially helpful to review the sermon with your kids!

    If you’re attending a Sunday service and you plan on sitting on the lawn, you may want to bring a beach chair. Families with young kids often have their keiki sitting on a blanket. We will usually have some coloring pages for the little ones. Soon we plan to have a nursery available (but not required) for ages 3 and under.

    “How should I dress?” We’re a casual, sandy-feet-friendly church. Come as you are! But… please be appropriate.

  • You can view our weekly campus calendar below or fill out our connect form and a member will reach out to you to help point you in the right direction based on what you’re looking for.

  • On Sunday mornings we have a team ready to pray with anyone. Find them under our “prayer tent”.

  • Many followers of Jesus want to grow but simply don’t know how, or they feel ‘stuck’. This can be frustrating. When we look at scripture, we see that followers of Jesus lived their lives intentionally in Five Circles of relationships. Each circle provides something unique and crucial for a balanced, effective Christian life. At Sunset, we want to provide encouragement and opportunities for our members to participate in each circle.

    1. Big Circle, aka church services. Large gatherings with the rest of the body of Christ to worship, hear the Word, encourage one another.

    2. Medium Circle, aka groups. There is a level of intimacy and friendship that can only be cultivated in a smaller group setting. For this, we have dinner groups.

    3. Small Circle, aka One-on-One. Every believer needs the customized accountability that can only come through a deep, one on one relationship. This is where discipleship comes in.

    4. Daily Circle. Every believer is called to be a missionary to their close circle of contact; the people who have a ‘front row seat’ to your life. The Greeks called this their ‘oikos’. God has put them there in your life… Begin living on mission to reach them!

    5. Jesus Circle. The most important circle (relationship) that fuels all the others. Every believer needs to cultivate a habit of spending time with Jesus daily in prayer and in the Word!

For Those New To The Faith

Want to cut to the chase and get a grasp on the fundamental doctrines of the faith? This book is comprised of 20 basics every Christian should know.

Dinner Groups meet in homes around the North Shore and Central O’ahu.